thanks for your share, could you please provide your data
thx for your sharing, and i have a question about how to do prediction? thx
thx for your sharing of your works on the relation extraction, and i want to know if the project supports the Chinese or not , thx
i am using ltp to get some data while get code from ipy under demo_version_1, however, it occured "Segmentation fault: 11" , thx
thanks for your sharing, however, while i download total-text files from url: `` and unzip it. and run, the errors occur: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:...
执行 ``` mv example.train example.train.bak head -2000 example.train.bak >> example.train ``` 然后训练 `python --train=True --clean=True` 报错: ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 219, in main train()...
after modifying the train and test which should point to peng-data-file, and any else should be modifying? when i run , "AttributeError: 'Bunch' object has no attribute 'word_format'" happend....
Using bert-inference to online prediction is ok, however, the running time of prob =[self.probabilities], feed_dict) in 『with self.graph.as_default() as g』 will take little seconds, which is too long for...