
Results 6 issues of smallfish01

您好, 我新建了一个menu, 退出重新登录后可以看到新建的menu,但是当我点击该Menu,提示Menu尚未加载,重新启动容器,重新执行: yao migrate yao start 也是同样问题。 谢谢。

not specific

**Describe the bug** I am install Greenlight in Docker and like to start Greenlight as document, when I am running command: # ./scripts/ gl release-v2 And got error: ERROR: musl-1.2.2-r1:...


Hi Everyone, I just installed Coturn on my Ubuntu server(20.04.2 LTS) and enabled turnserver.conf log as below: #syslog verbose log-file=/var/log/turnserver.log systemctl restart coturn.service But I cannot found log file /var/log/turnserver.log,...

Hello, I use the script try to connect my APC PDU, when I running: apc --status and got the error: # apc --status Acquiring lock /tmp/apc.lock Connecting to APC @...

Hi, When I compled the configuration and restart prometheus service, I got the error as below: time="2017-08-09T17:34:37+08:00" level=info msg="Loading configuration file prometheus.yml" source="main.go:252" time="2017-08-09T17:34:37+08:00" level=error msg="Error reading file "/opt/vmware_exporter/config.yml": yaml:...

### Description: I have a requirement about invite a new user to a public channel. The currently process is complicated , I need users who are invited do not need...