
Results 11 comments of sm2607

As in this example, if we need to add label to each polygon/shape , eg. as we hover over shape it shows "area" and "name" of that shape library(googleway) style...

Firstly I tried with "add_polygon" function, but my shapefile has almost ~300 circles, and "add_polygon" function is not able to load shapefile even after ~30 minutes, So, as a workaround...

hi, I tried both (example from article and in comment), but layer is not loading in my case. Can you please suggest what is missing here. library(mapdeck) library(googleway) set_key(api_key) googleway::google_map()...

I tried below example code, ``` library(shiny) library(shinydashboard) library(mapdeck) library(googleway) ui

yes I got below console error:- ![image](

It was not working earlier but than I installed all below packages from github and update their dependent packages after removing their previous version, now its working. thankyou so much...

Hi, Please find the minimal reproducible example. Also I am using to rscript.exe /rstudio connect to deploy this app and getting this issue in both. is this due to catch...

Actually, I also tried to use below code to keep handle on background session, but as this process is "long run process", so when I try to check after refreshing/reloading...

ok thanks for your suggestions. I will try both and hopefully it will work. Also, as you suggested, I have to clean them up, can you suggest any approach/method/function, which...