how will a good use-case might look like to migrate the solution to nftables?
any chance there is a working solution in the near future (as new release without having to alter / compile it for yourself)? the application in its current form is...
thank you very much for your input. i tried with apitrace (dxvk as well as d3d) according to the linked guide, but no *.trace file is being produced (searched the...
d3d output: info: GeForce GT 640M: info: Driver: 460.67.0 info: Vulkan: 1.2.155 info: Memory Heap[0]: info: Size: 512 MiB info: Flags: 0x1 info: Memory Type[7]: Property Flags = 0x1 info:...
to be more specific: with the exact same config watchdogs runs without flaws on intel hd 620 (2016; no dedicated memory) with 8-10 fps – but not on an nvidia...
... and no, this does not have anything to do with kcm_kwinrules (i tried every option, reinstalling, deleting / linking in manually etc.), other kvantum-themes do simply not trigger this...
anything new here? if you choose a standard kvantum-theme / style (besides yours) or do not use kvantum at all (f.e. 'breeze'-style), systemsettings5 does *not* crash.
oh boy. how narrow-minded could a person be to call this 'irrelevant'? Imagine teaching a child to use open source software instead of the stuff all the others use at...
the plugin path seems to be like usual: `/usr/lib/qt/qml/com/github/catsout/wallpaperEngineKde/` what seens to be needed is to install mpv first: `sudo pacman -S mpv python-websockets qt5-websockets --overwrite '*'` one could use...
something new on this?!?