Samuel Lukes
Samuel Lukes
I would like this feature too and as such I am willing to donate some time to do implement it. Any objections or can I get stuck straight in?
The main use case I had in mind was actually mapping from a bean to a Map in essence to have the same effect as BeanUtils.describe(). I don't think this...
Hello @kamilmysliwiec pushed my own PR for this since @eyeamkd seems to have not had the time. Let me know.
Hello any news on this please?
In the end I got around this issue in another way, but would still be happy to help with a PR @GhettoBurger996
Hello @RobinCK any feedback?
Up @RobinCK 😄
Hi @jesperpedersen I was wondering if there was any chance of getting this merged and released? Many thanks, Sam