Sean Lopp
Sean Lopp
I think having a .rsconnectIgnore file would be a great addition to the reconnect package
Important to note that Nick's screenshot shows the _definition_ metadata, of which we probably want to keep `partition_expr` which is user defined but discard the rest. We also show non-sensical...
Depends on
A similar "compliance" flavored request is to have the env var page act as "write once, read never". While it'd be possible to deploy code to print secrets, some security...
@tbradley1013 this is awesome! We would love to host a demo of the app, and have a few options where it might make sense. Can I follow up with you...
I don't think its currently possible to import multiple posts from one GitHub repo, and it would have saved me some time if this was called out in the documentation
Note, however, that you can manually point at just the raw HTML file if it is a stand alone distill article: ``` distill::import_post("") ``` So I was able to workaround...