Hi, I've just hit an error when trying to define dictionary with array value type. Seem to be not supported by guardrail yet. Would it be possible to add this...
also updated flyway version based on closes: How to set Flyway config params #248
Hi, would it be possible to add support for text/plain content type? I have endpoints such as this: ``` /readiness: get: operationId: getReadiness responses: '200': description: '' content: text/plain: schema:...
Would it be possible to add option to activate a child span? In datadog APM, the dd-java-agent is injecting the headers to my http client requests automatically from current active...
dd-java-agent integrates automatically with some java server implementations already, e.g. netty. And so when using something like `tapir-netty-server-cats` in combination with natchez and DataDog I see two spans one for...