Reinis Ivanovs

Results 31 issues of Reinis Ivanovs

- [ ] Linearizability vs serializability - [ ] Reactive vs interactive, streams - [ ] Push vs pull - [ ] Wait-free vs lock-free - [ ] Amdahl's law,...

Callbacks should be mentioned as there's a popular misconception about them being inherently async.

There's quite a few automated code review or continuous inspection tools missing from this list: - [SonarQube]( - [Code Climate]( - [Codebeat]( - [Codacy]( - [DeepScan]( - [DeepCode]( - [Scrutinizer](

extract-css-chunks-webpack-plugin: 4.7.5 webpack-subresource-integrity: 1.4.1 This is the [same issue as with mini-css-extract]( the integrity metadata attributes aren't added to `` elements. [Minimal reproduction]( (`npm start` to run).

Chapter in question: The suggestion seems to be that the template literals would be all about strings; there's only examples that result in strings, and phrases like "final string...

for second edition

I've [compiled a list]( of the currently relevant JS and TS tooling (that I could find), and I've also linked to this resource, since it's very close in focus, but...

There should be a write-up about starting projects with minimal effort.

There should be a section for Postgraphile, Hasura, Prisma, etc.

### Current Behavior Currently a single bundle is output by rollup and module structure is not preserved. ### Desired Behavior There should be a way to do deep imports from...

kind: feature
topic: multi-entry
topic: preserveModules
solution: workaround available