Simon Leigh

Results 5 comments of Simon Leigh

Hi @ObjectiveTruth What’s the error you’re seeing? I see after running the GitHub action just now that it errors out about not being able to find the ZooKeeper role. Is...

Hi. Glad to hear it's helping you. Are you able to provide me with what your inventory file looks like? You may be experiencing a similar problem to #26 whereby...

Hi @ken-tune . Presumably based on your usage of `kafka_tag` you're using AWS and dynamic inventory. What script/tooling are you using for this? At first glance it looks like maybe...

Thanks for that @bfedo . Hmmm, interesting, not something I've come across before. I won't have a chance to investigate right this moment unfortunately. I've had brief internet search but...

Hi. It looks like the development efforts on the linked PR have stalled. Is that work still something that will be actively pursued, or will this be implemented elsewhere?