
Results 10 issues of sleepreading

**Environment**: Flutter 2.2.3 • channel stable • Framework • revision f4abaa0735 (2 weeks ago) • 2021-07-01 12:46:11 -0700 Engine • revision 241c87ad80 Tools • Dart 2.13.4 ``` Location location...

nginx目前最新版本支持针对grpc(基于HTTP2)反向代理. 不知道manba能否添加这方面的支持. 我看apiserver已经有了响应的管理模块,但是proxy不知道能否添加这方面代理的支持!

新写文章时会自动进入该插件的markdown剪辑器, 无法使用经典编辑器 至少给一个切换的选项吧?

Nice to have

``` AnimatedTextKit( animatedTexts: [ TypewriterAnimatedText('................................'), ], pause: const Duration(seconds: 7), //

希望能简单的获取uri. 如添加一个get_uri()方法. 返回: http://localhost:8008/xxxx/xx?a=b 也可以添加如下方法: get_schema() 貌似request中无法获知schema. 只能在 http_client/async_client 中可以 如果能支持到http2.0及以上就太完美了!

源代码中有一段关键逻辑是 遇到-d=true的参数就强制替换为-d=false(假设该步骤为A), 然后exec.Command执行 经过测试, 步骤A非常关键, 缺少时会有问题. 但步骤A非常神奇, 希望能解释下其具体的作用. 因为ps查看进程时,用本库后台启动的进程始终会带有命令行参数-d=false,这非常具有误导性!

We usually add `window button (minimized button, maximized button ..)` to the **root page**. and hope these buttons work like the `windows title bar (never disappears)`. But if we `Navigator.of(context).push()`...


### Checklist - [X] I've searched for similar issues and couldn't find anything matching - [X] I've discussed this feature request in the [OpenIMSDK Slack]( and got positive feedback ###...


Is there a good way to securely store sensitive information, such as passwords, in the 'gobackup.yml' file?