Results 10 issues of slbai01

Hi, I am using minimap2 to map PacBio long reads to genome. Here is the command I ran: ```shell /share/programs/minimap2-2.16_x64-linux/minimap2 --split-prefix prefix -t 9 -a ../01.reference_file/reference.fa ../00.raw_data/m54217_190219_070744.subreads.fasta.gz > m54217_190219_070744.subreads.fasta.gz.sam ```...


Hi, When compare _Aegilops tauschii_ and wheat genomes at chromosome level, I meet an error. I use `--no-kalloc -K` parameters based some suggest in Issues. Problem still exists. ```text [M::mm_idx_gen::72.513*1.45]...


To track the `minigraph` behaviour, I design a simple graph which contains some INS/DEL and INV. ```shell for x in `seq 1 500000`; do echo $(( ( RANDOM % 4...

Hi, I have a special need. I only need to judge a category in the picture, so I want to remove the label name in the picture and keep the...

After comparing two genomes to obtain a large number of unique k-mers, how to quickly find the position of k-mers on the genome? Currently, I use software such as `bwa`...

I am running `chromap: 0.2.5-r473` on a highly repetitive genome, but the `TLEN` information in the sam file looks wrong. Since only one best match is output by default, I...

command help info: `--MAPQ-threshold INT Min MAPQ in range [0, 60] for mappings to be output [30]` In fact, when executing subcommand `hic`, the default parameter is `1`

> SRA data are available either with full base quality scores (SRA Normalized Format), or with simplified quality scores (SRA Lite), depending on user preference. Both formats can be streamed...

At `kingfisher get --run-identifiers-list` condition, if one term error, the software will exit. Can you add a parameter to control ignore this error, and continue downloading other terms?

Hello, I annotated the gene set with `kofamscan` software. How many evalue and score filtering results do you recommend? Thanks shenglong