Thank you for the fast response... Before I opened this thread I made below changes... To `server/server.js` -> in `handleJoinMatch` function: ``` if(match.guest){ var rule=model.Utils.loadRule(match.ruleName); this.setSocketMatch(socket,match); this.setSocketRule(socket,rule); reply.ruleName=match.ruleName;; reply.guest=match.guest;...
Actually no, when i roll the dice spectator console is empty... That is what i am stuck at, no errors or any responses... It is like the spectator client is...
Well this is starting to get more wierder for me :) As for the server logs show 3rd player logs in gets an id and socket but after that it...
I have been using heroku with a free dyno and cors-anywhere for about a year for my little project and as far as i understand all free dynos will be...
I have the same problem, can anyone contact me at SANANE#3921 discord
Have you ever find a solution to this? Because of codec section streams are not working on ios devices...