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Type-safe i18n for Dart and Flutter
Hi there, thank you for this awesome lib. I realize that `slang` is about i18n, but are there any plans to move this library towards a `l10n` approach? It might...
In the Dart package ecosystem, most of the packages are using [source_gen]( which formats the output code. This process has 2 main benefits: - The generator can just produce valid...
The code generated by slang currently shows differences when formatted with `dart format .`. I want it to auto-format like in packages using source_gen, like freezed. They use DartFormatter from...
**Motivation** Within the application I'm currently developing we encounter some strings that are dependent on a count parameter but do not strictly adhere the pluralization structure as Slang is using...
Hi, How can we write the following with css format ? { "greet(context=GenderContext, param=gender)": { "male": "Hello Mr", "female": "Hello Ms" } } Is there a way to use Enum...
**Motivation** I am using a different text delimiter. Slang cannot parse my csv. **Developer Experience** There should be an option to specify `csvSettingsDetector`. ``` var d = new FirstOccurrenceSettingsDetector(eols: ['\r\n',...
When using Flutter Web, all the translations go into `main.dart.js`, making this file very big. So the web app loads very slowly the first time user opens it. But most...
v.3.13.0 Slang config file: ``` # Config input_directory: lib/i18n/ namespaces: true output_directory: lib/i18n/_generated_ output_file_name: translations.g.dart output_format: multiple_files ``` I have the following translations in actionChart.i18n.json: ``` { "stats": { "endurance":...
**Describe the bug** Im not able to generate translations using enums as params and pluralization. ``` "assetTypePlural(param=assetType)": { "stock": { "one": "{count} ação", "other": "{count} ações" }, "stockIndex": { "one":...
**To Reproduce** tr_ru.i18n.json: ``` { "scheduleFailedBlockDefault": "Редактирование невозможно", "scheduleFieldBlockMap(context=ScheduleTemplateFieldType, param=type)": { "assistant": "Выберите услугу", "status": "Статус нельзя изменить", "employee": "Выберите тренера", "service": "Выберите локацию", "duration": "Выберите услугу", "room": "Выберите услугу",...