slack-rs-api copied to clipboard
Rust interface for the Slack Web API
Possibly related to issues such as or -- the "class slack app" bot tokens don't seem to allow the `token` parameter to be passed as a URL parameter...
Slack has deprecated the endpoint (, and it no longer works at all with apps created after 10 June 2020. You're now supposed to use the endpoint (,...
Trying to call `usergroups::list` returns a `MalformedResponse` error. In my case this is because the value for the `user_count` field is an int, not a string. I assume the schema...
That example would be a really great jumping off point, but I'm not sure which permissions I need to give it. Right now I'm giving it: `channels:history, channels:read, chat:write:user, im:history,...
It currently looks to be impossible to paginate responses. The `limit` parameter is set in some of the `ListRequest` objects, but not all: - [users::ListRequest]( - [channels::ListRequest]( whereas they are...
If I get the code for a slack channel by copying a link to it and grabbing only the last part of the link, and then passing that code to...
The [reaction_added] and [reaction_removed] events don't have `message` as a field, which was causing the deserialization to fail, preventing upstream libraries from handling reactions. fixes slack-rs/slack-rs#111 [reaction_added]: [reaction_removed]:
Is there a reason none of the types derive `Serialize`? It would be nice to build messages with these structs, but then I can't turn them into JSON using `serde`.
They've made it so you can added buttons to messages that come from Apps Mostly means some changes to attachments
I received an email yesterday asking about debugging `thread 'main' panicked at 'Error: Slack Api Error: "rtm::StartError: JSON error"', src/`, for the example in `slack_rs`. I'm not aware of a...