slack-rs-api copied to clipboard deprecated on Slack API
Slack has deprecated the endpoint (, and it no longer works at all with apps created after 10 June 2020. You're now supposed to use the endpoint (, but that doesn't appear to be supported by the crate.
I might take a stab at adding it; I assume it wouldn't be too complicated.
Hey yes shouldn't be too bad 🤞 hopefully no traps, I haven't checked it out
you'll need to add it to the schema repo and use the codegen from this repo updating the sub repo. It gets a little messy but don't worry if it looks funky
I also need this endpoint and had a look at the schema repo. However, I have no idea what I have to do to add it. Do I have to create the json files myself? Can the api_scraper be used to help me create them? Does slack provide the files?
I have been trying to look at the generator too, but without getting anything to work.
I had a look at it and, well the scraper seems to be beyond repair. I created conversation.history manually, because that is the one I needed.
We probably have to rewrite the scraper to use something like this Question is, @dten are you still around? Cause I don't want to give it a try and than noone is there to merge it.
Also, currently the slack crate only supportes get requests. So, we probably have to touch a lot...
Hey I'm still here.
If you want to do an PR to the schema repo that would be great.
The scraper that worked off the docs was a good start but their docs also have the wrong types which means manual corrections.
Last I checked slack's official spec also misses things. Now to be fair ours does too but at least there's something that can be done about that one.