ls is a linux command, are you working in windows ?? try this: :AsyncRun -mode=term -pos=floaterm dir
For windows, `external` is recommended: :AsyncRun -mode=term -pos=external dir Crash ? Remember keep your vim/gvim update to date. Legacy popup implementation may be unstable. You don't need `MyRunner` stuff in...
Internal states have been reseted when sourcing your asyncrun.vim make sure to use AsyncStop before reloading asyncrun.vim
That's cool, I just took this idea and updated a new version which use the vim native `&shell` and `&shellcmdflag` config to execute commands. You can have the latest version...
check the shellcmdflag, commands are executed like these: ``` bash zsh -c "YOUR COMMANDS" ``` maybe you can try to change shellcmdflag from "-c" to "-ci": ``` VimL :set shellcmdflag=-ci...
别把 shell/shellcmdflag 设置成 cygwin,坑太多了,windows 下的 vim 不是给你这样用的,你这样设置不当 asyncrun 要出错,其他很多用 shell 工具的地方都要出错。 你想再 windows 下用很多 unix 工具,安装个 busybox 就行了。你实在想用 asyncrun 跑 cygwin 命令,可以: ```VimL :AsyncRun D:\pfs\cygwin\bin\bash.exe --login -c "ls -la" ```...
另外,你 windows 10 的话,为什么不用 wsl 呢?AsyncRun 支持 wsl 命令: ```VimL :AsyncRun -program=wsl ls -la ```
那你设置 &shell 成 cygwin 这个操作麻烦了,导致内外路径都对不起来。
ANSI color escape code is not supported, and I don't have any plan for that. You should disable gcc color output, errors will be highlighted by quickfix window itself.