Results 13 issues of skys215

1. 我当前的基本环境信息是 * 手机型号:红米4X 已root * Android 版本:Android 7.1.2 (Sudamod) * Xposed 版本:Version 89 * Wechat 版本:6.6.0 * Wechat Magician版本:基于2.8.0,自己在SnsBlock中加了以下代码(在2. 你遇到的问题是什么?) 2. 你遇到的问题是什么? 换用xposed的log方法也同理 监听XML解析: ```java override fun onXmlParsed(xml: String,...

How about adding this reddit( on "How to get ideas" section?

在 L77 def ImageManager 前加@csrf_exempt 则没报csrf错误。

I have faced this problem when using on Sublime Merge and SublimeText 4. When I was using SublimeText3, it didn't appear, but it appears when I open Sublime Merge. After...

Hi, I recently found out that created_at field and updated_at field are generated inside fileds.blade.php when using `infyom:sacffold` command. I assume that it should be ignored. Are they kept for...

Hi, When I was trying to generate factory for a model, I set factory option to true inside the `config/laravel_generator.php`, but failed to call `factory` method for model. After investigating,...


Hi, thanks for the nice project. I've noticed when deploying the project that in schema.sql, `patterns` table doesn't have `mode` field which is used when saving patterns. Hope to see...

Hi, I was trying to implement [i18n-node]( on regexr in order to support internationalization. Since I'm a backend developer, I have failed to implement it. I have seldom knowledge about...