Michele Caini

Results 120 comments of Michele Caini

I think you're right. I tried to optimize the pop function a little too much. 😅 The nice thing is that branch v3.10.1 and wip also have a divergence, so...

I've created a new tag, v3.10.2 - it would be great if you could test it and confirm that the issue is gone. There are a bunch of tests to...

~~I strongly suspect it's not fixed yet, shame on me. 🤔~~ Also the storage suffers from the same issue. I'm creating a new issue to track it and spawning a...

Hello! 🙂 The `emplace` and `emplace_hint` functions invoke `try_emplace` on a `dense_map` internally. The latter (doc quote): > Inserts in-place if the key does not exist, does nothing if the...

Actually, please, leave this issue open so that I won't forget about `at` and `get`. Thanks! 😉

Well, technically speaking, the context **is** a key-value map while the registry is way more complex than this. That is why the API of the context is designed around that...

So, a sort of `insert_or_assign(args...)` aside the `emplace` function?

`insert_or_assign_hint` is actually very _heavy_ 😅 but also `emplace_or_replace_hint` is bad, so 🤷‍♂️ I'll stick with the container similarity I guess. Any suggestions?

Technically speaking, new requests should address the `wip` branch and also have some tests to avoid regressions. That being said, I'm a bit torn about this change. I'd rather expose...