Skyler Parrti
Skyler Parrti
@hughsando This looks like it's still an issue with haxe 4.2.4 and hxcpp 4.2.1. I've narrowed it down to getting this error when passing arguments to a function. This may...
I just re-read my original post. I'm sorry, this is not a compilation error. This is the error coming out of `Module.fromString(cppiaCode);` and the other functions in `Module` at runtime....
`-D annotate-source` worked regardless of the `-debug` flag. re: `The binary and ascii version should parallel each other quite closely` I'm not quite following what you mean there. Are you...
I will provide ice cream via patreon if you can provide some examples on how to run krom and also run with the `--watch` parameter. I build Krom from source...
I prefer to code with vi, so it would be ideal to be able to run the command from the command line. Kode is set up to do hot code...
Is there a way to run this functionality from the command line since kode isn't my ideal workflow? On Mon, Aug 24, 2020, 11:20 Robert Konrad wrote: > Yes, Kode...
Haha. Sorry about that, I gave you a pretty out of context example unless you memorized the phoenix plugs. The example is missing the `plug(:protect_from_forgery)` plug.
Getting the same. Same versions of erlang and elixir. Except I'm running Ubuntu.
I'm using the latest in git and I'm still experiencing this issue with ios not resolving the paths. Any new updates on this?
Sorry. I forgot update this. The issue is with the meta:include paths. I submitted a pull request: