Hello, Personally, I don't like the custom title bar. I totally understand why people like it, but I prefer unity between all windows. Could you make it an option, and...
It's not the finish button, the station only add `+0`. Probably a Valve counter measure against scripts like this one.
Installing `sudo apt install gir1.2-gtop-2.0` is enough on Ubuntu 17.10 to fix the error.
Hi @nickl- Why not release in maven central a `3.0.0-alpha-0` to ease testing and help new comers to jump-in ? History behind this proposition : I am actually searching a...
I did some research about this annoying bug. With an empirical debugging/testing method I _fixed_ the issue by removing the `index` from the `Utils#uniqueMethodId`. I found that the index is...
Sorry @dankirkd, I no longer use JUnitParams. I now use Junit5 with integrated [parameterized tests](
The goal was to avoid additional configuration. For me a line in .bashrc to add an alias or an environment variable is the same. Default behavior should not need any...