Skylar A Gering
Skylar A Gering
I would love to bump this! I need this functionality as well!
I was playing around with this and it still crashes even if all of the writing to shared resources is removed. Here is an example that crashes: ``` function cra(n)...
I also have LibGEOS v0.7.2 and GeoInterface v1.0.1. I am also running with 4 threads like @jaakkor2 mentioned. With the last example that I provided, I am crashing every time....
This also works for me! Thank you so much @evetion! However, it is kind of annoying that we have to make a geometry for each thread though... I guess we...
I have started the PR to expose context within the functions and types :) However, I am still not convinced on the use of contexts as used above. It does...
To keep this conversation going, I am also having issues with distributed computing using Julia's @distributed and getting seg faults. For example: ```julia using Distributed addprocs(3) @everywhere using LibGEOS coord...
@jaakkor2 I am not convinced it is that problem. Both sets of coordinates above are oriented clockwise, so their winding order is the same in my original question, while the...