Jordyn Bonds
Jordyn Bonds
This does seem to be specific to 2.7.11! I uninstalled that version and then installed 2.7.10 and the script is working now (though it is rejecting my password, but that's...
+1 I had to -- gasp! -- clone this using command line.
@thebeautybudget After a few hours of banging my head against the wall, your solution worked for me! Thanks for posting it.
@PistolPete13 Did you ever figure out the solution here? I'm having the same issue.
I figured out that the data I was using for `source` had a value `null` in it – and Typeahead definitely doesn't like that! My array looked like: `["Carrie","Michael",null]`
+1 for adding this feature
I'm having the same issue. Any advice?