Xiangchao Yan

Results 16 issues of Xiangchao Yan

Hello, when I run DIP to inpainting or sr, the same training parameters often get different PSNR values, and they may differ by more than 2 points. In addition, during...

作者您好,我在使用您的代码训练自己的数据时,数据一共有6类,预测结果没有问题,准确率很高,但是其他的类得分为什么会出现负数呢? 并且不同的图像得分的大小程度也差很多,请问是什么原因呢

Hello, I want to know that styleflow can artificially generate faces with various poses and expressions. How do I use code to generate a series of continuous poses? Which parameters...

Two models with different structures get different confidence**for the same dataset**. For example, most of the confidence obtained by the first model are more than **0.9**, while most of the...

**When the target frame is narrow and long, the regression loss is 0**! `D:\YXC\Study\Anaconda\envs\pt-gpu\python.exe C:/Users/59593/Desktop/pytorch-retinanet-master/train.py CUDA available: True Num training images: 2 CUDA available: True CUDA available: True CUDA available:...

Hello, why set the pre-trained model to 20 and 10 for waymo and nuscenes, is there any basis for this? And what is the pretrained epoch for KITTI?

Hello, it seems ok when I pretrained the model on KITTI, but the cost is too huge when I pretrain on Waymo, the speed is too slow.

Hello, is your total batch is 4*4 on 4 V100 GPUs? Have you tried bigger batch size? I have tried bigger batch size but the results are not good.

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/55578436/186792290-542d0b70-d2ee-4370-a867-8fd17d847bfc.png) 设定的时间好像没有触发,action里也没有任务

Hi, I have read your paper carefully and the target objects are mostly structures like cells and chips. I have currently photographed a transparent lens cell using traditional LFM and...