Not to be rude but what's your point? And what problem are you having with this Web GUI implementation that you are opening this issue?
If this is XAMPP for Linux the web server doesn't have write permissions to the html directory by default. So it can't create tcp.token automatically. I've always just recommended creating...
Odd, but it still couldn't hurt to try making a blank file called tcp.token
This date tweak worked awesome for me thanks so much
@bren1818 forgive my asking but what would the use case for multiple bridges be?
Oh I get multiple brands I meant multiple TCP bridges
@bren1818 so I totally should have thought of the remote thing. I have 3 in a drawer I'll never use for that reason. May need to pickup another bridge or...
Oh that's good info to have.
This is great news because I had nothing but bad luck with the firmware downgrading to make the hub work with smartthings. But with IFTTT I should be able to...
@bren1818 that is super slick. My Google home wont be here until Thursday but I tested with my phone and it worked perfect. For the instructions you'll probably want to...