Thought I'd give this library a try, but for what I need it for, making requests via http POST/GET and opening a Browser with same cookies does not work. There...
Not sure if it's just me, there no functionality for a required OptionPickerFormItem?..
Using any of the -remove methods on OSX seem to have /no/ effect. Example code: ``` UICKeyChainStore *store = [UICKeyChainStore keychainStore]; [store removeAllItems]; [store synchronize]; ``` After relaunching the application,...
Running some tests and when trying to create multiple, consistently running into timeout's and retrys. Example log create symlink fs/ipfs/bafybeiakstrsbmkficap2dxvmd7nlw2atfhigbenuptoqalakat7rrl6du create symlink fs/ipfs/bafkreido6b4j7kvuku5oo5xpmxic3kj3vza36tpq4etyledy7yvqhh4opy Swarm listening on /ip4/ Swarm listening on...
Nice framework! Curious, tinkered around with it and doesn't seem you can easily initialize and access just the calendar's view. i,e: not show it modally with animation. I'd like to...
Trying to use a query that works in Chrome console but not in hpple "//ul//li/span[normalize-space(text())='10']" Any ideas on how to replicate this to work with hpple would be greatly appreciated.
Running into an issue, followed all steps to a T..The patched .ipa transfers and runs on my /jailbroken/ device..all is well there. Now, when I transfer the .ipa to my...
Would it be possible to use this library for Bitcoin Cash out of the box ?
I noticed the "feedbacklog.txt" file was not containing any of my logs, utilizing print() in a swift project. I changed Line #70 in DeviceInfo.m from ``` `freopen([logPath cStringUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding],"a+",stderr);` ``` to...