Stepheny Perez
Stepheny Perez After parsing, orders items by time. Added unit test and tested on my local Obsidian installation (macOS Catalina 10.15.7)
### Expected Behavior I should be able to export Postman collections and import them directly into Insomnia. In Postman (and Insomnia!) it's possible to save a request without setting the...
`--subset` requests use Harmony behind the scenes, and we use a .harmony file to track the status of the job. If, for whatever reason, the .harmony file is malformed or...
We didn't originally support wildcards for `-gr`, meaning that param would only be used when requesting a specific granule. (temporal bounds were not relevant). Once we added support for wildcards...
When we send a subsetting request to Harmony with too many granule IDs, we get an error "413 Request entity too large". After discussing this with the Harmony team, they...
As part of release 1.15.0, which contain the subsetting capability for both the subscriber and downloader, the following code is run on args for both the subscriber and downloader:
The `-dc` flag allows users to download data into folders by cycle. As written, this assumes the CMR UMM-G `GranuleUR` matches the granule filename (without extension). This is not always...
Support querying UAT CMR
Currently "tiff" is supported but "tif" is not. We should add support for "tif". Relevant code:
We should improve the flexibility of this software by allowing spaces in the bbox param, like so: ```bash podaac-data-downloader -c MUR-JPL-L4-GLOB-v4.1 -d ./data --start-date 2022-01-01T09:00:00Z --end-date 2022-01-10T09:00:00Z -b="-75.61, 38.4, 84.1,...