
Results 27 issues of skoppe

The patch binary installed on my macos does not have the --merge argument. I successfully build the toolchain by removing it.

in securepool.d@224: `logError("Could not mlock " ~ to!string(pool_size) ~ " bytes");` mlock actually returns -1, which is weird since it is not a valid return value []( I'm running dmd...

The druntime/phobos submodules are pointing to my cloned repos. Will replace when they are merged upstream. I approached the wasm ci the same as android. For a minute I considered...


in dom.d as well as spa.js

To prevent it accepting too many types. It should only accept types that have a handle that decays to a JsHandle.

good first issue

Instead of dealing with raw json, it is better to parse it at first sight.

The timingwheels only uses the HashMap data structure. If we refactor the timingwheels API by using `ListElement!T*` directly to identity timers, we don't need to store a HashMap of timer...

During some asynchronous cleanup we sometimes have to take a hold of exception to rethrow them later, but this interferes with dip1008 scope assumptions. For refcounted exception we should be...