
Results 58 comments of skoppe

The `Warning: Assuming critical section size = 40 bytes` even happens with the simple example at I am using the `dlang2/ldc-ubuntu:1.16.0` docker image.

Caused by workaround is to put buildRequirements allowWarnings in your dub.sdl/json

I think the wasm engine will stop you from accessing that memory. But I agree, better to call `onOutOfMemoryError`.

> Do not forget about integer overflow. Fair point. I didn't think anybody would allocate so much as browsers are capped at 1gb. Regardless, you already convinced me. We need...

Thanks man. Very much appreciated. I consider this project mainly an experiment. Out of it came the webidl bindings, as well as my more recent almost-finished efforts to port druntime...

> Wait...what? You almost have a port for druntime? This means we could use vibe.d's helper libraries like Json, std libs, etc? What about the GC and threads? Do those...

I still need to update spasm with ldc `1.16.0`, that is probably why. I am currently working on memory management (automatic release of js objects and implementing a GC). Because...

So, I finally got some time to figure this out. Apparently the _d_array_cast runtime hook is replaced with the __ArrayCast template function as part of an endeavour to replace runtime...

also see

There is a fix in druntime it will probably ship in or . In the meantime the `0.2.0-beta.1` version of spasm has a custom `object.d` with a `betterC` implementation...