śrīnivāsa kaśyap munukutla

Results 10 comments of śrīnivāsa kaśyap munukutla

@shreevatsa @akprasad Let me know if you have any suggestions for improvement. As @akprasad knows, I'm rather new to the building things business; most of my past work has been...

Ah yes, that makes sense w.r.t. deployment. I think we can think about the S3 bucket + Overleaf API to do the compilation. But that's for later. I'll start testing...

Ohhh I didn't realize jinja could be used for this. Thank you!

@shreevatsa I've converted the code to a jinja template. 1. How do I suppress those god awful halting latex compile messages? I've tried `xelatex` and `lualatex`. Couldn't figure it out......

Should I focus on: 1. adding texts, or 2. getting the pdf to look nicer?

@shreevatsa For the tasks outlined: > A Python script that takes in an XML file and generates a .tex file (OK if it doesn't look great or works only on...

@shreevatsa I took your comments above and did a few things with my last commit: 1. I removed the tufte package entirely. 2. I removed a bunch of vestigial functions....

Do you want to meet this weekend to finalize this? I can wrap it up in the next couple of days? On Thu, Apr 6, 2023 at 9:32 PM Arun...

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/20190340/196481066-07f9a49c-5c21-4a39-a20c-ae915978914f.png) Only happens in portrait view on my iPad.

Yup. That seems a good place to start. I'll work on that later this week depending on work.