Not an issue, but rather a question. Is there any BME-680 support implemented in lua-rtos? and if yes, how do i access it? Thanks.
Hi, Couldn't make SSR working while migrating from Umi3 to Umi4 (`4.0.8`), if I added the `ssr` key into config (`.umirc.js`) this way: ```js export default { svgr: {}, ssr:...
I have a played a bit here with `bun` and `hono` to see how it works and realized that the request body comes there in raw format if I want...
Could you please tell me how to handle this issue, because I can't find any documentation on it? ``` asyncToGenerator.js:6 Uncaught (in promise) useRequest has caught the exception, if you...
Hi, I'm using your seample code with ESP32 module and Adafruit BME 680 board on 0x77 and pins SCL/SDA as 5/4, unfortunately it fails to init without giving much details....
I think i have the display attaching issue, once i call SSD1306_I2CMasterAttachDisplayDefault(&I2CDisplay, I2CDisplayWidth, I2CDisplayHeight, I2CDisplayAddress, I2CResetPin) it all goes into a panic here: (default_if_i2c.c:107) ... ``` E (1524) I2CDefaultWriteBytes: i2c_master_cmd_begin(...