Sergey B Kirpichev

Results 173 issues of Sergey B Kirpichev

See [the build log]( No workflow changes since last release [v0.13.0]( ``` - name: Publish on Github Releases uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1 if: github.event_name == 'push' && startsWith(github.event.ref, 'refs/tags') && matrix.coverage env:...

See [example]( This github action doesn't work at all... Seems to be like (closed) BTW, full yml snippet, that uses your software in my case: ```yml - name: Publish...

Take an example (ideas were installed from the git): ``` $ cat from ideas.examples import fractions_ast fractions_ast.add_hook() $ cat import fractions def test_not_float(): assert isinstance(1/2, fractions.Fraction) $ pytest...

Python do NKFC-normalization while parsing identifiers. That disallow some fancy unicode identifiers like ℕ (it will be N for Python), see e.g. [this]( Other languages, that support unicode identifiers usually...

You can avoid ugly workarounds (like `range()` case), if you wrap only integer divisions with Fraction's, like [Diofant does](

``` $ cat -n 1 # pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring, missing-module-docstring 2 3 class Foo(type): 4 pass 5 6 7 class Bar(Foo): 8 def __init__(cls): 9 super().__init__() $ flake8 --ignore=D100,D101,D107

In some sense, this is a recreation of (which was closed). But, probably, this is - the right place to discuss the project maintainership, instead of the sympy's maillists...

Last release is 1.1.0, from 2018. I think, it's time to provide another one. It would be great, if the new mpmath will enter to the Debian testing before soft...

@fredrik-johansson, this was broken by #537, see [before]( and [after]( I think, the slow marker definition should be moved to the somewhere.

SymPy hasn't supported Python 2 for over a year. I would support dropping it in mpmath, especially if active development is being done on it. _Originally posted by @asmeurer in...