Results 4 issues of Fan Feng

Is it a regular method to add a regularize to the Hessian matrix and then multiply the Dcoeffs to make the conditional number better? If so, can you point me...

### Xmake 版本 2.7.2 ### 操作系统版本和架构 Windows10 ### 描述问题 在.lua文件中中命令为 add_requires("suitesparse", {configs={"blas",cuda=true}}) ``` => download .. failed => clone v5.13.0 .. ok => install suitesparse v5.13.0 .. failed...


I want the ti.linalg.SparseCG function to print out how many iterations it uses to converge and whether it stops because the max iteration is reached. It can take an extra...

feature request

RuntimeError: implement_array_function method already has a docstring ============================================================================ Edit setup.cfg to change the build options BUILDING MATPLOTLIB matplotlib: yes [2.2.0] python: yes [3.7.3 (v3.7.3:ef4ec6ed12, Mar 25 2019, 21:26:53) [MSC v.1916...