@sammchardy Is it available to **send coins, get balance, create address, get addresses, get transactions** using HttpRpcClient. I am running my own full node and need to have this functionality...
I have a celery task which base class is QueueOnce, the task is locked with order_id argument: ``` @app.task( bind=True, soft_time_limit=settings.SOFT_TIME_LIMIT, base=QueueOnce, once={'keys': ['order_id'], 'graceful': False} ) def some_celery_task_invoke(self, order_id,...
### Operating System Linux ### Programming Languages Python ### CCXT Version 4.0.3 ### Description I am subscribing to 294 market symbols on binance using `await exchange.watch_tickers(SYMBOLS_LIST)` `SYMBOLS_LIST = ['LRC/USDT', 'SOL/BTC',...