Can confirm this. On Fedora 31, started since 1.5 release. Build from my [copr]( [full log]( edit: (changed to pastebin, fpaste expired) Relevant log lines: ``` i3bar.c:i3bar_print_block:160: [foo] no text...
[My fork of wyvie's i3blocks repo]( I just bumped the version and made some adjustments for the new release structure. **NOTE**: blocks are not included in 1.5 release. Be ready...
@da-edra > How would you improve the way they're currently packaged? Now on aur the i3blocks-contrib repo subdirectories are just copied under /usr/lib/i3blocks. imho, the correct way would be: build...
@shreve, fyi: > As far as I know, i3blocks doesn't support multiple lines. Does not display multiple lines, but i3blocks handles the following (from non-persistent blocks at least): full text...
>a new blocklet will need at least a, a blocket configuration file, a screenshot and a @da-edra, including licence with a blocklet is not obligatory. The states...
Second this: 1. i3blocks 1.5 doesn't have blocklets in release bundle. 2. some old blocklets from previous release are not compliant with the new version, e.g. 'bandwidth' due to not...
From > A blocklet MUST be confined to a single directory and the name of the directory MUST be relevant to the blocklet's purpose or core feature. > The...
@therealmaxmoon > why exactly /usr/libexe? Because it's a well-known convention (Arch does not have libexec, so just lib), it's where distro packagers have been putting blocklets when they were included...
> Don't deliberately complicate something that doesn't require complexity. No one creates the complexity here. This repo contains source code, the executables (aka blocklets) should be compiled if needed and...
@sshaikh , there is no issue here, the example config in this repository is in accordance with the [installation guide]( from this repository. The issue is either with wrong packaging,...