Results 60 comments of skial

- [x] libs - [texter `2.2.0`]( - [hxTwitch `0.5.0`]( - [newgrounds `1.3.0`]( - [HxShaders `5.0.0`](

- [x] `[community]` C#: Attaching ZLIB header/trailer to DeflateStream [article](

- [x] `[video]` _"Nothing feels better than finishing a combo with Fancy Pants Man"_ [short]( by [Fraymakers](

- [x] `[open source]` [feathersui-validators `git`]( - A port of the form validation classes from Apache Flex (formerly Adobe Flex) to Feathers UI for Haxe and OpenFL.

- [x] `[open source]` [gltftools `git`]( - Export Away3D models to GLTF/GLB format.

- [x] `[open source]` Brick walls by [Oleg Doyla](

- [x] `[open source]` [Michael Bickel]( previews further Haxe and Godot integration progress.

- [x] `[core]` Odd regression in `from` structure [issue](

Hi @fullofcaffeine, Unfortunately your timing to look into how works is bad, as last weekend I had an issue which required me to rebuild all the plugins, but I...

Yep, thats what [Tuli]( was initial created for but its [similar to metalsmith]( as it only handles loading plugins and files and then passing files around to those plugins. My...