您好, 感谢开源, clone最新的代码,使用2张3090训练相同的数据集,前面几个epoch的时间比较短,后面的epoch时间越来越长是为什么? 目前测试硬件(显卡,内存)都是稳定的。  
Hi, This is a great project, thanks to the author's open source。 I have some questions about this project‘s loss, how about bce+ssim+iou result? more better than only use bce...
Hi, This is a very gread project, Thanks for open source. I have a question: how to use this project achieve human image-based relighting? Looking forward to reply, Thanks.
Hi, This project use standard BFM2009 convert to FLame, but deep3dface ( generate mesh is not standart (71418,3), how to convert this mesh to flame? Thanks a lot!
Hi, This project result mesh vert shape is (71418,3), but standard BFM2009 vert shape is 53490, my question is how to convert reusult mesh to standard BFM2009?
您好, [感谢开源这个非常好的项目,我在训练250000step后测试出现头和身体割裂的现象,请帮忙解答一下问题出在了哪里?