Shaun Keenan
Shaun Keenan
kamon-datadog sends trace and span id's as BigInt, due to DataDog's requirement for these id's to be numeric. kamon-logback records trace id and spand id in hex. This causes issues...
I get this when trying to run: ``` Testing context's 'gke-skeenan-eaa3d8e68f' cluster... error converting to clientset: failed to create API client: No Auth Provider found for name "gcp" Remove 'gke-skeenan-eaa3d8e68f'...
skeenan😎 FireFly:~/dev/angboard$ tox -e grunt -- -d --stack test grunt installed: Flask==0.10.1,itsdangerous==0.24,Jinja2==2.8,MarkupSafe==0.23,nodeenv==0.13.3,requests==2.7.0,Werkzeug==0.10.4,wheel==0.24.0 grunt runtests: PYTHONHASHSEED='3334899424' grunt runtests: commands[0] | bash ./bin/ /Users/skeenan/dev/angboard/.tox/grunt 0.10.29 grunt runtests: commands[1] | npm install npm...
Running 2 separate services in the same container is much less than ideal. Why is there not a way yet to run this in a separate container, volume in logs,...