Jonathan Skeate

Results 24 comments of Jonathan Skeate

I was playing around with this a bit, and think I might have some useful contributions. I went back to encoding the type parameters with tuples, and found if you...

Had an idea: since you have to specify your type parameter "slots" this way, maybe we could also use that to specify what kind of variance (if that's the right...

>What variants of type parameters of following type-level function are? I was focused on functor hierarchy typeclasses, and didn't really consider the more general case like that. Maybe something like...

They're meant to be accessed from [this page]( -- I'll have to see if I can make them work in both locations

Just tried it in IE10 and 11, both on Windows 7. I definitely see the lag issue (and when I click pause, the slider jumps to the place it should...

Hmm. It could be because of the OS difference. Let me try it out on 10 (granted, that's Edge...)

I couldn't reproduce in Win10 + edge, either. What if you `stopPropagation` on `.time-slider`? Not sure what event to watch for, though. Maybe `mousemove`, maybe `drag`?

I was able to reproduce it once on the 8.1 VM, but then I refreshed the page and I was able to drag it. Haven't tried it on the 10...

Can you post an example (possibly a reduced version of your data) that does this?