hello. In your code, it has provisions for multiple backend options(tiny_yolo, squeezenet, mobilenet, inception, vgg16, resnet50). could you tell me where to download these model(.h5) files ? thank you.
I noticed there is a configuration option in INetworkProperties called m_ExternalMemoryManagementEnabled, its default value is False. I don't quite understand what it means. Does it refer to different backends using...
In the BuildArmComputeTensor(Tensor& tensor, const armnn::TensorInfo& tensorInfo) function in the ArmComputeTensorUtils.hpp file, I tried to modify the alignment value of ComputeTensor memory, that is, `tensor.allocator()->init(BuildArmComputeTensorInfo(tensorInfo));` modified to `tensor.allocator()->init(BuildArmComputeTensorInfo(tensorInfo),4096);,` making the...