Simon Kågedal Reimer
Simon Kågedal Reimer
With current Xcode, you get warnings on the “empty” inits that just return nil: “Implementing unavailable method” If you remove them, you get the warning: “Method override for the designated...
We got a crash on this line, which is odd of course since this file is bundled. It would be good if the error was logged in the exception message,...
I checked out the hyper repository and tried to build it. But alas, my Node version was too new. I figured it'd be nice to have a `.node-version` file so...
## Purpose I am new to `node-fetch`, and the first thing I saw on the npm.js site was this pointer. It sounds a little bit like it's saying that you're...
In the current version of the example (since [Migrate to Spring Boot 3.0.0](, the following is included in `build.gradle`: ``` // Temporary explicit version to fix Thymeleaf bug implementation 'org.thymeleaf.extras:thymeleaf-extras-springsecurity6:3.1.1.RELEASE'...
As noted in [this eslint issue](, `mocha` has a transitive dependency to the [deprecated, memory-leaking]( inflight package. This is not a direct dependency of mocha, but comes in through several...
### ESLint version v9.4.0 (main branch) ### What problem do you want to solve? When running `npm install` in the `eslint` repo, several deprecation warnings are shown: ``` npm warn...
We run `lint-action` essentially like the example [in the README](, with `eslint` and `prettier`. However, doing things this way seem to cause a mismatch between which commit dependencies are installed...