Stephen J Sepan

Results 10 comments of Stephen J Sepan

-issue observed in .net6.0, .net7.0 -extension version 1.5.3 Version: 1.76.2 Commit: ee2b180d582a7f601fa6ecfdad8d9fd269ab1884 Date: 2023-03-14T17:57:21.103Z Electron: 19.1.11 Chromium: 102.0.5005.196 Node.js: 16.14.2 V8: OS: Linux x64 5.15.0-67-generic Sandboxed: No

Note: I am using older C# coding styles... -not using top-level statements -not using file-scoped namespaces -not using implicit usings -not using 'var' keyword for declarations -using older style 'new'...

BTW, awesome extension -- it really helps a lot! :-)

Wikipedia presence: Check out this list of programming languages on [Wikipedia](; SmallBasic is there, but to edit the list and add sVB under it seems to require the prior existence...

Rosetta Code presence: Here is another way to get sVB 'on the map'... [Microsoft Small Basic]( is out there on Rosetta Code. You could create a category for sVB, and...

I was unable to find a way to send a private message, even on Twitter, so I'll post this here for your input... ---------------------- Mohammad Hamdy Ghanem, I thank you...

> I downloaded your sVB app1, but the [ file]( is empty, so, I got errors. I will check my Git, to make sure it got checked in properly UPDATE:...

@VBAndCs Thanks -- I overlooked that email. OK, I've cleaned up the repository. It was quite a mess after the 0.1.1 update. I would delete what you downloaded and start...

@VBAndCs OK, I've made the modifications to remove your name. The extensions is now public on [GitLab](

> @sjsepan3 Note that the VS Code Marketplace link is broken. Thought I had replied to this, but I see I haven't -- Yes, I need to work out how...