Sjoerd van Steenkiste
Sjoerd van Steenkiste
How about EuclideanRE (compatible with SoftmaxCE)
The (non-gpu) OS X installation is similar to Linux one. All apt-get calls can be made in brew (with slightly different names). I haven't tried a GPU installation on OS...
That output looks perfectly fine to me. Logs are printed every epoch, which depending on your GPU may take a while. Perhaps you can add a print statement after each...
Hmm that is strange indeed. Just to be sure, do you have `tensorflow-gpu installed`? If you install `tensorflow` then it will try to run on the CPU by default.
This code base is several tf versions behind, so I think upgrading the code to support a later version of tensorflow would be your only alternative. I can try to...
Hi. That looks strange indeed. Before I dig into this, could you please verify that you are using tensorflow version 1.2.1? Sjoerd
Upon further thought it actually looks more of a memory problem to me (ResourceExhaustedError -> OOM). How much memory has your GPU? The K=5 copies of the encoder-decoder RNN are...
Hi! It has been a while since I ran this code, but I imagine that 12GB should be plenty. If you want to reduce memory consumption, you could serialize the...
Hi! The definition for enc_dec_84_atari can be seen here What version of sacred are you using? It seems to me that the issue is having multiple named configs being...
I am with @JarnoRFB on this one, i.e. I would remove the halo, and have the snake replace the S. Would keep the snake colored differently, such that it can...