Sjoerd Kerkstra

Results 12 comments of Sjoerd Kerkstra

I see now that there are some not very clean commits in this merge request. For example "Just staging some changes to make page admin work right" (9d2946d) Is not...

One simple way of doing this is to have http access to any file on the data server. But this is hard to secure I guess

A more secure way would be to have the files be available on the backend of the webserver, as a mapped drive. That way download could server files from this...

In merge #56 I am now using the filetransfers app, which supports several upload/download styles. Right downloads are supported through the url /filetransfers///. This means that any download is routed...

As of 11ca0acddf3b81c7a5e2a48e41e9cd674f291d2c, download works. Current workflow: Create a filesystemdataset, this creates a folder on disk. Upload files into this folder using ftp. Display downloadable files using {% dataset ,%}...

Server has been relocated to DNS for and http://www.comicframework also link to this location. Bart has been given access to the server.

Best solution is I think to not add pages directly in ComicSite admin, but rather only display a link to 'add new'. Adding multiple pages in line does not make...

Inline admin now no longer allows adding. Adding can only be done through page admin, to which the inline page admin links

That is a good point. This "open for submissions" property needs to be available for each site anyway, so this information can be used in an overview of all sites...

For the challenges I organized, results list result1, result2, on the website are rendered from folders results/result1, results/result2, etc.. Each folder contains a file resultsTable.html, so results/result1/resultsTable.html is included on...