Sam Marshall
Sam Marshall
I'm thinking the ability to maybe cmd/ctrl-left and cmd/ctrl-right a parent node, and have it's children indent further also. This would make adding a grandparent node much easier. Thanks!
It'd be great if you could specify a branch to use for searching in the config. It'd be even better if you could do it on the fly in the...
If I do something like ``` html {{#myArray}} {{#lambdas.className}}{{.}}{{/lambdas.className}} {{#lambdas.className}}Test This{{/lambdas.className}} {{/myArray}} ``` with myArray being `['First Element', 'Second Element']` then the output will be: ``` html test-this test-this ```...
I'm having difficulty figuring out where I've gone wrong as the stack trace doesn't contain any of my files, and none of my files are mentioned in the error.
The docs don't say which hashing algorithms are available, or explicitly if you can change it - just a cryptic `[file].[ext]?[sha512:hash:base64:7]`. It'd be great if the docs explained how this...