
Results 7 comments of YuanChieh,Cheng

This awesome discussion! I encountered the same issue when I try to implement clean architecture. My Scenario is quite similar ``` // check product stock // check user account balance...

Yes Make sense! Thanks @godhand4826

I would like to help this one ``` Provide mode option so that user can choose either of merging strategies merge, concat, grid, custom (no default offsets according to image...

抱歉我剛才發現錯誤了,忘記+的優先順序高於?判斷式,所以會導致輸出錯誤。 麻煩管理員刪除Issue,謝謝

Here is my account.component.ts ``` @Component({ moduleId: module.id, selector:'my-account', templateUrl:'./account.html', styleUrls:['./account.css'] }) ``` Here is my app.routes.ts ``` export const APP_ROUTES: Routes = [ { path:'', component: AccountComponent}, { path:'account',...

My file structure is ``` -app |-- src |--components |-- account |-- account.component.ts / account.html / account.css |-- app.routes.ts |-- main.module.ts (root Module) |--index.ts / index.aot.js (bootstrap MainModule) |--package.json /...

I changed your sample code "sub.component.ts" to load templateUrl instead of inline template. It show the same issue. ``` @Component({ selector: "sub-home", templateUrl:'./sub.html' //also try 'sub.html' }) export class SubAppComponent...