J. R. Schmid

Results 50 issues of J. R. Schmid

Been loving this gem for years! Unfortunately, also for years, I've kept writing `"something".grey`, only to end up in the sources again to remind myself that its called "light black"...

there's usually no more gtksourceview2, so now `/usr/share/gtksourceview-2.0/language-specs`. might be a good idea to either check for it or to remove those two lines from the Makefile altogether...

Hi, just wanted to ask whether you guys are aware of https://github.com/fresco-fl2000/fl2000? Idk about this stuff but it looks like it might help you to actually get that driver written?...

### Feature Description Hi, not all of us want our web servers to be reachable via SSH from the outside, opting instead to go via a proxy machine that in...

For remote uploading to an attached Arduino Nano as well as the dynamic-webpage-feature, ESP-Link has been rock-solid-stable for me, no single crash or freeze or anything, ever, no matter how...

Knowing about #247, which seems to be about touch _screens_ only, I'd like to request the feature of touch sensing control to be added to Arduino_Core_STM32. The TSC is part...

Help wanted :pray:
New feature

KiCad has a convention of one (`~`) or two (`~~`) tildes to put a bar above or below a signal name: > Rather than selecting the active low graphical pin...

file format

```bash $ ack '[ΑαΒβΓγΔδΕεΖζΗηΘθΙιΚκΛλΜμΝνΞξΟοΠπΡρΣσςΤτΥυΦφΧχΨψΩω]' file.xml 74:


This is only for the LSI; the Bayes handles it fine: ```ruby [12] pry(main)> lsi = ClassifierReborn::LSI.new => # [13] pry(main)> lsi.add_item("Manṣūr", :content) => nil [14] pry(main)> lsi.add_item("ʿAbd", :content) ZeroDivisionError:...