
Results 20 comments of sixtool

Yes!, I trying to use models along the secondary database,How to use it? oh, I can only create my own module to connection database ?

local config = require("lapis.config").get() if config.postgres then return require("lapis.db.postgres") elseif config.mysql then return require("lapis.db.mysql") elseif config.masql2 then -- like this? return require("lapis.db.mysql") -- else return error("You have to configure either...

I have ab test requirement If when I have 10 different versions of the web to buy the page style I need to set a different weight ratio for each...

Recommended Use luajit2.1

请问支持主从模式么?这个库, 一台master,一台slaver

/*get the shard rule from GKeyFile, and insert the shard rule into a hashtable*/ int proxy_plugin_get_shard_rules(GKeyFile *keyfile, chassis *chas, chassis_plugin_config *config) { GError *gerr = NULL; gchar **groups, **gname; gsize...

现在一个sharding不能再分表了吗? 我有200张分表,sid_1,sid_2........ sid_200这种,同一个数据库,那这个就不支持呢????
