Tadej Šivak

Results 8 issues of Tadej Šivak

Setting custom spinner text color isn't working on Android 10+. Background color can be set normally. This issue is probably caused as discussed here: https://forums.xamarin.com/discussion/183258/no-field-mselectorwheelpaint-in-class-landroid-widget-numberpicker-in-api-29-android-10

After upgrading plugin to version 5.0.3, saving picture doesn't work anymore. It has to do something with dependency @nativescript/imagepicker which is included in this version. This dependency was not included...

Getting this errror when runing on iOS: ERROR in ../node_modules/nativescript-photoviewer/photoviewer.js Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'tns-core-modules/image-source/image-source' in '/node_modules/nativescript-photoviewer' @ ../node_modules/nativescript-photoviewer/photoviewer.js 17:18-71

The last version on NPM: `@nativescript/appsync": "^3.0.1"` When can we expect new release which includes current fixes?

### Package version @adonisjs/[email protected] ### Describe the bug Is it possible to include some kind of channel name scoping when using Redis as transport provider. When using same Redis instance...


Using this plugin with [https://github.com/sendgrid/nodemailer-sendgrid-transport](url) provides error beacuse filename doesn't exists in attachments array.

### Describe the feature How to use this in Nuxt 3 vith plugin ``` import VuetifyUseDialog, { useConfirm, useSnackbar } from 'vuetify-use-dialog' export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => { nuxtApp.vueApp.use(VuetifyUseDialog) const confirm...

### Discussed in https://github.com/sequelize/sequelize/discussions/17425 Originally posted by **sivo1981** July 26, 2024 Can anyone explain why SELECT ... FOR UPDATE is not working correctly with connection pool enabled (default settings). If...
