Siva Sankar Maram

Results 4 comments of Siva Sankar Maram

Yes you can set the border to the camera in BarcodeReader class XML which is located in library file.

Mee too getting the same issue when fragment is resizing, Can you please respond to this query.Did any one solved this issue.

Issue solved change in barcode library in CameraSourcePreview file in OnLayout overridden method with @Override protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { int width...

CropImage.activity() .setGuidelines(CropImageView.Guidelines.ON) .setActivityTitle(MY_CROP) .setCropShape(CropImageView.CropShape.RECTANGLE) .setCropMenuCropButtonTitle(DONE) .setRequestedSize(120, 120) .setMaxCropResultSize(AppConstants.MAX_CROP_RESULT_SIZE_MIN_WIDTH,MAX_CROP_RESULT_SIZE_MAX_HEIGHT) .setMinCropResultSize(MIN_CROP_RESULT_SIZE_MIN_WIDTH,MIN_CROP_RESULT_SIZE_MAX_HEIGHT) .setCropMenuCropButtonIcon(R.drawable.ic_crop).setFixAspectRatio(true) .start(ProfileUpdateActivity.this);