Siva Kaliappan

Results 77 comments of Siva Kaliappan

Thanks for using logtrail. Elastic has made major changes to the Kibana plugin API in 7.10.0, which needs an almost complete rewrite of the logtrail plugin. Also, the 7.10 API...

@Tenzer Thanks. I am aware of these changes. Based on my initial analysis it requires more effort to migrate logtrail to kibana 8.x. I am yet to find time to...

Can you paste a sample document from your ES index? Also, can you check the order in Kibana discover UI?

Logtrail does not pickup data from .kibana index. May be you can add extra field with truncated value in ES using FluentD (I have not used fluentd. Not sure if...

It would require some effort to run logtrail in standalone mode since it has dependencies on Kibana API. Is the external endpoint an ES compatible endpoint to something different?

At a high level, we need to make the following changes: - the server uses kibana elasticsearch plugin to fetch data. This needs to be changed to elasticsearch javascript API....

@wolframhaussig logtrail assumes the fields are present inside `_source`. I will check how Kibana handles the docs when the source field is not present. Meanwhile, you edit this line...

@Globegitter Thanks for the suggestion. Need to check if this facility is available in elasticsearch query.

Thanks for the changes. Will review the changes.

Following are my initial comments 1) Instead of providing an option for the user to directly replace the pattern with HTML, can we provide an option to like onClick? (Agreed...